Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Workout Plan

Here's what I've got for the rest of February, and maybe March if it proves to be enough of a work out for that long! I've got arms, chest, back, legs, butt, and abs on here, and all the exercises can be adjusted with weights and amount of reps to make it more difficult or doable. Hopefully I can stick with it, and we'll see an improvement in my arm strength at the very least! For the push ups in the morning, I'll start by doing the max amount of regular push ups I can, and then finish with the modified push ups. 



  1. This looks like a great plan! I wish I really had the time and motivation to stick to something like that.

    Thanks for all of your encouragement over at my blog! It's great to see another new fitness blogger with similar goals.

    1. I really enjoy your blog! I hope I can stick to this plan, haha. I think having a workout partner really helps keep me going. :)

    2. If you're really determined to stick to it you will! Right now I'm really trying to focus on the Couch to 5k because it would be so huge for me to be able to call myself a runner. But I would love to do something like this in the future!
